Me and the Family

So just who am I? Some days I think I'm still trying to figure out the answer to that question. My name is Jaime, I know that, and I am an opinionated (my sister would say feminist), fairly confident, stubborn-at-times, 30ish woman who now carries the still awe-inspiring title of mom. I am also the wife to a man who is my perfect partner and my friend for life. He complements my every flaw and somehow puts up with those flaws with the utmost patience and understanding. My husband and daughter are the shining centers of my now-perfect world as it goes spinning through this very unperfect, but very beautiful, universe.

Thanks to Katie Rivers Photography for this beautiful picture.

I remember when it used to sound so old -30- but here I am a 30-something mom, and I'm only feeling old sometimes. Most days I don't even feel grown-up enough to have a daughter. Oh, but I do have one and she is so smart, curious, beautiful and loving. She keeps my little world spinning, off-kilter most days, but spinning and happy.

And if you haven't had enough yet, here's some random facts about me:
Thirteen is a very special number to me. I was born on the 13th, my daughter was born on the 13th, and my husband and I were married on the 13th. Don't even try telling me 13 is an unlucky number!

Speaking of my husband, we met in college but never dated, then crossed paths again seven years later! Tell me we weren't meant to be. We were married in 2008.

Let's see... I wanted to be a large animal veterinarian my whole childhood and after years of college, pursuing my degree, today I am a TV news anchor/reporter. Yep, I don't know how that really happened except I remember hating Chemistry 100-and something, and it just grew from there.

I am semi-green. You know the kind - I recycle, I don't litter, I carry re-usable bags to the grocery store (when I can remember), I prefer organic but don't always like to pay for it, I have those funny, squiggly lightbulbs around my house - but I won't (WILL NOT) do cloth diapers. Nope.

What else? I drive an SUV. I am barefoot whenever possible (I blame my childhood in the Florida Keys for that one). I have short hair but most days miss my long hair. I have two dogs (a boxer and a mutt). If I had to choose between dark chocolate and keeping my left kidney - goodbye kidney. I spent a college semester in England - loved it. I spent six months in Germany while my husband was based there with the Air Force - loved it. If I could figure out how to make a living there, I would move my family to Europe tomorrow. I love rainy days but live for sunshine. A tree can stop me in my tracks - they're beautiful. I can lose myself in gardening or a book, and I think that's enough about me for now.

Oh, but one more thing. I never thought I would love being a mother as much as I do. But there's just something magical about it, isn't there?


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