January 31, 2010 - The Red Button

It's one of those questions no one has asked me until this week. I'm sure many are probably concerned about offending me or my husband. But I was asked the other day about the raised, red bump on Georgia's head. I'm sure it's a feature she'll ask me about one day as well when we're looking back at her baby pictures. I'll answer her just like I answered the other day, "it's a birthmark."

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Some call them "strawberry birthmarks." The medical term is "strawberry hemangiomas. Whatever you call them, the good news is most start to shrink when a baby turns six months old and for Georgia, eventually her hair will cover any mark that might remain. Regardless, she's beautiful. But it was one of those moments, like so many these days in the world of mommydom, that made me rush to the computer and Google every description of a raised, red bump I could think of. Then I added it to the growing list of things to ask the pediatrician on our next visit. Imagine my relief when both Google and the pediatrician concurred on the innocence and short lifespan of a strawberry hemangioma.

My daughter also has an "angel kiss" or "stork bite" between her eyes. Poor kid won the lottery of infant skin markings. But much the same, that one's short-lived as well. None of them bother or hurt her though so they are of no concern to me. And who knows, when she's older we'll get her to play an actual lottery and maybe she'll win more than conversation starters.


January 30, 2010 - Can't Get Enough

On Friday and Saturday nights, my husband waits anxiously for me to get home from work. He can't wait until I walk through the door. Why you might ask? Has he spent the day missing me? Can he not go another second without me by his side? Does he want to give me a loving hug and kiss?

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Well, yes to all of those things, but soon after the hug and kiss, he quickly hands over Georgia so I can nurse her to sleep and he can be with his other love - his PlayStation. Currently the game of the moment is "Assassin's Creed II."


January 29, 2010 - Gathering Dust

So when I was still pregnant, my husband and I (ok, more me) went through the normal ritual of getting Georgia's nursery ready. I read dozens of safety reviews and parent reviews to find the safest crib, and then we went out and spent way too much money on it. It's about time that poor crib gets some attention, hence today's picture.

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Georgia has yet to sleep in it. Yeah, she has been in it for a few minutes to watch the mobile go round and round, but that's it. We have a co-sleeper crib that sits beside our bed and that's where you can find her every night. Honestly, she might be ready for her big crib, but I'm not. I still need to wake up every now and then to make sure she's still breathing, plus I need to be close enough to hear every cry, cough and coo. Call me crazy!


January 28, 2010 - Cute Chubs

Cute, chubby baby legs. They're just delicious. There's no doubt the only time in our lives when chubby legs are considered cute is when we're under the age of one.

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January 27, 2010 - The Thing

Georgia has her first cold. She's become a mucous factory. To help alleviate that, there is the bright blue snot bulb. Georgia considers it her worst enemy.

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You know how a wild animal at the zoo will freeze, every joint stiffened, and follow your every move with wide, scared eyes? OK, my daughter is nothing like a wild animal but she gets that look in her eyes. She eyes the bulb as it approaches her nose and I think she's already developed a look of disgust. Is it possible?


January 26, 2010 - P-E-A-C-E

This is my peace on earth.

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I know it's a very narrow view of life, but it's my view at this point in my life. I love to watch Georgia sleep.


January 25, 2010 - Infant Artwork

"Spit Bubbles"

by Georgia Katherine, 2010


January 24, 2010 - Young Fan

J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets. Yes, that was the cheer in our house today. Georgia's daddy is a New York Jets fan. Don't ask me why, he's from Texas. But I couldn't resist a picture as Georgia watched the Jets game with her daddy. Sadly, the Jets lost to the Colts and will not be going to the Superbowl.

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Still, Georgia is destined to be a football fan. Maybe not so much for the New York Jets, actually our household normally leans toward college football. Georgia's daddy and I met while we were attending the University of Georgia. Hey, with her name, is that a surprise? So during college football season, Saturdays are for UGA games. In fact, Georgia already wore her UGA onsie back in October for the GA/FL game. Go DAWGS!!!


January 23, 2010 - Octavius the Octopus

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When Georgia is on her play mat, this is the position she enjoys much more - on her back, looking up at her stuffed octopus. She and her daddy named him "Octavius." For now, she just stares at him with an innocent and surprising look of fascination. Soon I'm sure she'll be batting at him and grabbing for him. Let the stuffed animal abuse begin!


January 22, 2010 - Dreaded Tummy Time

Tummy time. I think Georgia dreads those two simple words every day. Ok, maybe not every day because we (I) don't always remember to do tummy time.

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If you don't know what tummy time is, it's time spent every day on an infant's tummy (I know, duh) to strengthen their arms and neck muscles. Basically, the way I understand it, it gets them ready for rolling over and then crawling. Just try telling a three month old that all this time on her tummy is really good for her and will help her get mobile sooner. Yeah, good luck. By the way though, this picture is one of the very rare times Georgia actually looked like she was enjoying herself. And it lasted about 15 seconds.


January 21, 2010 - I Haven't Washed by Hand in Years

Nobody ever tells you how long you'll spend washing baby bottles. We wash close to 10 bottles with all their accessories once or twice a day! I've never had dishpan hands before in my life, but I sure do know. Add hand lotion and more dish soap to that list of diapers, wipes, toys, onsies, socks, formula, etc...

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So far I've learned the easiest time to get this washing done is around midnight after Georgia is sound asleep. I thought I would gain sleep once she started sleeping through the night. Who knew I would sacrifice it for a good time at the kitchen sink? Yeah!


January 20, 2010 - Out of Season

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You might look at this picture and wonder what does a Christmas tree with ornaments has to do with my daughter. Despite the fact that this is Georgia's "Baby's First Christmas" ornament - I took this picture because it's January 20th and my tree is still up fully decked out with ornaments and lights. And it's because Georgia keeps me so busy that my once live Christmas tree is now perfectly dry kindle for a fire and still standing in my dining room. Maybe I should put a fire extinguisher nearby for kicks. Or maybe I can just leave it up all year because I'm sure I'll struggle to find time next year to get a new tree up. See, I'm mommy problem-solver already!


January 19, 2010 - Open Mouth, Insert Fist

When I'm hungry, I'll get myself something to eat or speak up and let my husband know we need to get some grub. It usually works very well for me. However, I'm a walking, talking adult. I guess infants have a different take on the whole "I'm hungry" event. When Georgia is hungry, she does this. And let me tell you - you'd better listen!


January 18, 2010 - Monthly Owies

Every month, yes every month, comes a day I hate, dread and loathe. Georgia should actually hate it more than I do but seems to handle it much better than me. I'm sure it's because she's oblivious to the fact that a horrible round of shots are coming her way. Today was round two. We do an alternative immunization schedule which gives her less shots at a time but of course we must go in more often. Hence the every month routine right now. But I must say it's worked wonderfully for us. She's never had any of the side effects I've heard other mothers describe - fever, fussiness, lack of appetite - after a round of 6+ immunizations. In fact, after a minute or two of tears, you'd never know she'd had any shots that day. Except for, of course, the neon band-aids.


January 17, 2010 - Soap, Washcloth, Water Temp... Ahhh!

As I've posted before, I love bath time with Georgia and she loves it as well. Daddy, however, has been a little hesitant to take on the bath time challenge. But he's trying and learning and doing great at it. Today was his second go of it and I caught Georgia staring up at him as he got the washcloth ready.
I guess I can understand why it's such a daunting task for him. Afterall, I was a little nervous during the first couple of tries. Here you have this wet, squirming, slippery baby and you're washing her with soap - making her even more slippery in your grasp. I was constantly checking the water temperature, constantly making sure her nose and mouth didn't get near the water level, constantly making sure soap wasn't in her eyes (even though it 's tearless). And I'd never washed a little baby. Yeah, baby times were a little scary the first time or two but now I love watching Georgia love them.


January 16, 2010 - Bjorn Bliss

I finally get my hands back! That's how I feel every time I put on the Baby Bjorn and strap little Georgia into it. I can walk around the house and get things done - dishes, laundry, organizing, filling or washing bottles - you name it! Whoever invented this thing was a genius... and definitely a parent. And it usually doesn't take long for Georgia to doze off into a nice, quiet sleep. Another big perk to one of my favorite baby accessories.


January 15, 2010 - Pain, Pain Go Away...

That quick recovery I talked about seems a long way off. The day after surgery is a day of pain. Thank goodness for good, strong pain pills.

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For the next week or two I get to add drain emptying and bandage changing to my daily list of things to do. Yuck! Oh yeah, and popping about a dozen pills a day between my pain pills and my antibiotics, along with my pre-natals and DHA Supplement. My this nursing thing is lovely right now! (insert sarcastic comment here.)


January 14, 2010 - Crying Over No Milk

Remember that last blog about love? Love from my wonderful husband and my wonderful daughter are getting me through this tough time. I was admitted to the hospital this morning and had surgery for that bout of Mastitis that just wouldn't go away. Because I was put under anesthesia, and because I will have some recovering to do, it means Georgia must be supplemented with formula for a while.

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Today was her first day on it. She took to it without hesitation. Again, I was the baby who cried watching my daughter have to drink formula that I never wanted her to have. Formula might as well be a curse word in my family. We just weren't raised with it, and I wanted the same for my daughter. Life turned out otherwise. Here's to a quick recovery and an end to formula cans in our house.


January 13, 2010 - Words of Love

Everything about having a baby is all about love. Even on the rough and fussy days, it's love for that precious little bundle that gets you through it. This onesie says it all.

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(By the way, Georgia turned 3 months old today!)


January 12, 2010 - Bumbo or Bust

Today was the first day trying out Georgia's Bumbo Seat. She did really well and didn't seem to be annoyed by it at all.

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She just sat there watching the world around her, holding her head up so well. I'm so proud. Funny that there's a time in all of our lives when just holding our head up is a big accomplishment. Yep, Georgia's there right now. Thanks to Oma (we love you and miss you so very much) for the awesome Bumbo!!


January 11, 2010 - Spiked with Soap

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Bath time! I love bath time with Georgia. She seems to really enjoy sitting in the water and having her hair washed. And I just love her little Buddha belly. She has just enough hair that it sticks up on the top of her head - absolutely adorable.


January 10, 2010 - Talons of Terror

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Baby fingernails are weapons, let me tell you! No matter how often I clip and file these little buggers, they are still razor sharp. What's the secret? I was inspired to capture the never-dull nails on this day after Georgia attacked her own face, putting the worst scratch yet across her cheek. She didn't bat an eye but left two very concerned parents wondering if she was scarred for life.


January 9, 2010 - Time Keeps On Ticking...

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Babies take time, lots of time, but who doesn't know that - right? Well, it seems like the clock's hand spin at double or triple time these days. Where does the time go? My husband and I knew the addition of Georgia would mean the subtraction of time for us. Boy, were we unprepared for just how much time would be subtracted from our time. We're learning what it's like to go days (yes days) without showers sometimes and not getting more than one or two meals/snacks a day. I never thought going into work would be relaxing!


January 8, 2010 - My Current Definition of Torture

Pain related to baby does not stop once pregnancy and labor is behind you. That's what I am learning as I battle a bout of Mastitis that just won't leave me alone. My daily routine now includes extra time with what's become the torturous breast pump and several doses of antibiotics. Even when I get home from work at 11 p.m., here they are waiting for me.

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January 7, 2010 - Layer it On!

We live in Nebraska, and it's January so that means COLD temperatures. We had highs below zero this week so getting a baby ready to leave the house means bundling up. It's quite the process just to get her ready to walk out the door.


Georgia's thankfully very patient with me so far, and I'm learning to add an extra 10 minutes to my "get out the door" time.


January 6, 2010 - I Was So Wrong Pre-Baby

Getting ready for work in the morning takes on a whole new face when there's a baby in the house. I remember thinking in my pre-baby days that I never had enough time in the morning to get ready. What was I thinking? I had loads of time. Now I have to get showered, dressed, do my hair and makeup, eat breakfast and lunch, load the car all while mixing in diaper changes, baby baths, nursing times, spit up clean ups and baby entertainment - and I know I left a lot off of that list. I'm lucky when Georgia is content long enough in her swing to let me get my makeup done!

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January 5, 2010 - A Rough First

This was a rough day for me - very, very rough. I think it's rough for every mom. Today I dropped Georgia off for her first day of daycare. Months before she was born we interviewed with several daycares in our area, I checked up on their records with the state and we went with the one that gave us the best feeling and had the most experienced workers in the infant room. And yet on day one, I couldn't help but have the worst feeling in my heart that I was abandoning my daughter with complete strangers who didn't know her cries, didn't know her facial expressions, didn't know her likes and dislikes, didn't care if she cried for a few minutes before they could pick her up, didn't have their hearts break every time her bottom lip quivered and her brow furrowed. I had every intention of taking my camera inside the daycare on this day and taking pictures of Georgia in the infant room. But as I sat in the parking lot, dreading walking inside that front door, I knew I wouldn't have the fortitude to take any pictures. And I was right. I cried like a baby as I handed my daughter over. She just looked around with little concern - already the adult in this situation. So I was left to photograph the marked bottles that came home with Georgia at the end of her first day of daycare. A day we both survived.

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January 4, 2010 - A Mess With a Life of Its Own

It's not pretty, it's not clean and it won't ever have its own magazine photo spread - but that's what makes it just right. It is where we cuddle with our little one, sing the alphabet song, watch for fleeting smiles, dim the lights for late night feedings, read Dr. Seuss, change amazingly poop-filled diapers, sometimes have impromptu dinners with a baby in one hand and a fork in the other and it is where we LIVE.

Since Georgia was born almost three months ago, our cozy living room went from neat and simple and dusted to this:

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And if I had the vision of those ladies with the glass balls, I'd probably see this living room looking like this well into the future - just replace the rattles and teethers with bits of colorful, broken crayons, half-drunk sippy cups, glittery princess dresses, mommy's high heels and young, blossoming artwork of crooked lines and blotchy scribbles.

Isn't it called a living room because it's so full of life? I know mine is, and it makes me smile - a big, goofy, messy smile.


January 3, 2010 - Loving Her Daddy

She's already daddy's little girl. Georgia loves when daddy walks her around the house, in fact most days we wear a path in the carpet walking circles to keep Georgia happy.

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I guess all the walking is one way to keep in shape, since the thought of actually having time to workout right now is laughable. However, I'm serious about that path. We might have to add carpet replacement to the cost of having a baby.


January 2, 2010 - Day 2: Slacker Already

So it seems like I'm already slacking on the second day. This was a day short on time and long on things to do - but what day isn't like that with a baby in the house now? I caught Georgia by surprise as daddy was changing her onsie after a spit up episode.


January 1, 2010 - My Favorites

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What a better way to start off the new year than with a happy baby and my two favorite people in the world smiling at each other.

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