New Adventures... Right in Our Own Backyard!

I know every parent of a child thinks it. Heck, they must think it 1,000 times at least before their kid turns two.

It must be amazing to see the world through the eyes of a child.

As adults before the diapers and bottles and crying and smiles and tiny socks and everything else hits our lives, it's easy to forget the wonderment of childhood. We certainly don't remember that long ago. But add a child into the mix and wow - watching them watch the world - it's nothing short of amazing.

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For Georgia and I, it just took some warmer weather (finally) and a trip to our backyard. Everything - EVERYTHING - got an oh or an ah, that cute pointing finger and the face full of wonder that turns to me as if to say, "oh my gosh mom, did you see that?" She had to touch every new texture - the wood on the deck, the stone wall, the blades of dead grass, the blades of living grass, the dirt, the mud, the tree, the fence, and on and on. I was waiting for her to go for some dog poop. Phew, not on this outing. And when birds flew overhead, well my goodness, that just rocked her little world.

I want that! I want to remember, no, I want to do it - find the magic in every little thing. When did I lose that? Ah, but watching my little lovely brings it back a little, even if just through the smile that forms on my face watching her live life in awe of the simplest things.

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Georgia also loves that in our backyard, you can find two hairy beasts. Right now after a long and cold winter, two very dirty and stinky hairy beasts. And she has figured out that it is fun to steal the tennis ball from the little "ball addict."

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I think they were in a stare down over who would end up with the ball. Georgia opted for the dogs' water bowl instead - it's fascinating. Really, it entertained her for more than a half hour.

bowl collage

Don't think she gave up on the ball though. Why have just one when two is pure wonder...

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... and torture for Bailey.

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And by the way, I'm still looking for my lost wonderment. Let me know if you find it.

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