February 14, 2010 - Give it a Turn

That new exersaucer found a friend today. I was afraid I would be more excited about the new toy than Georgia would be, as has been the case thus far with most of her play things. But alas, another sign she is racing through life - she loves it. It only took mere seconds before she was investigating with her hands and mouth. I wonder just what flavor she has determined plastic animals to be. Those animals took a few hearty slaps too.

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But one sign I can breath a little easier, and perhaps slower for now, my little girl is still little enough that her feet barely stretch enough to reach the bottom. My "big girl" still has plenty of little left in her.

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She loved her new exersaucer so much that when I rushed over to see why all the noise and conversations with plastic animals suddenly stopped, I found this. My sweet baby all tuckered out and off dreaming of a world full of her new toy friends.

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By the way it's Valentine's Day, so here are 14 things I love:
- the sound Georiga makes right after she sneezes
- her long little fingers and long little toes
- the baby fuzz on her head that refuses to let real hair grow
- the way Georgia studies me and watches everything I do
- watching the peace of Georgia sleeping
- on that note, Georgia laughing in her sleep
- Georgia's pure joy of simply kicking her legs while in the bathtub
- her smile when I get home from work late at night
- lying beside Georgia on my bed as we watch the ceiling fan turn
- Georgia's laughter
- having a conversation with Georgia (yes, we have them)
- the little dimple on Georgia's left ear
- that Georgia has my eyes
- the way my husband loves Georgia... and me
Happy Valentine's Day!

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