February 6, 2010 - I'm FINALLY in the Club!!!

I remember watching with sheer envy from my front window as minivan after SUV pulled up in front of my neighbor's house across the street. Women would get out carrying home baked wonders or a package of goodies carefully picked out from a bakery. Sometimes they would pull up at the same time and greet each other in the driveway with smiles and small talk, other times they'd pull up one by one and be treated to a similar reception at the front door. I always wished I would get an invite to join this group I was sure was full of laughter, giggles, war stories, advice, sarcasm and warmth. But for me at the time that invite was unattainable because I was missing something, the one definite thing that would include me. I was not a mother. The "mommy club" doors required a child for passage through them.

Fast forward a few years to my beautiful daughter - and my first mommy brunch.

02.06.10 blog

The waters parted and that clad iron door I once feared would stay stubbornly shut in my childless face creaked loudly and swung wide open. I sat down today to some coffee, pastries and good conversation with some wonderful moms I know. And it was a great morning.

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