March 14, 2012 - Ready, Aim... FIRE!!
OH... how I remember water guns from my childhood! My friends and I chased each other around the yard with them, up and down the street with them, through the woods with them, through the house (to my mother's displeasure) with them and even though we were already soaking wet, those super-soakers were so much fun to have in the pool. Living in the Florida Keys, water guns were almost a year-round joy - so my memory box is heaped with water guns and smiles.
I'm sure Georgia will make many of the same memories, although hopefully not the chasing up and down the street one - it will give me a freaking heart attack, but she has a ways to go before she's hitting anyone with a straight shot of water.
Um... except for maybe her own eye.
Yes, I could insert the great and over-used quote from the movie "A Christmas Story" right here, "hey kid, you'll shoot your eye out," but I won't. OK, maybe I just did.
Anyway, water in the eye be darned - she had a good time trying to figure these water gun things out.
And even if only the ground got wet...
... we started making those memories of water guns and smiles.
Wow - look how much she's grown. What a cutie pie.