March 28, 2010 - Where the Buffalo Roam...

Spring has finally, truly arrived in Nebraska. We all seemed to wake up happier this morning, the birds are back and singing, the air has that hint of warmth like a tease of fabulous things to come, the sun is bigger and welcoming - it just feels wonderful! So we had to get our little one outside today and no zoo was going to do. We went where the animals have a little more room to roam - the wildlife safari.

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Of course driving thorough the fields scattered with a herd here or there was no different to Georgia than driving to Wal-Mart. She couldn't see the beasts from her car seat.

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But we finally arrived to a hiking trail, plopped her in the Baby Bjorn and off we went - Georgia's first hike.

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We passed by ponds where the frogs are testing out their melodies once again, Georgia's first time ever hearing the croak of a frog.

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Although a bit breezy, after all we are still in Nebraska, we could all feel the sun on our faces and bodies and isn't it just amazing what that can do for a soul? I wonder if Georgia feels it too, after a winter trapped inside four walls?

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We left that park today feeling a little more tired than when we arrived but much more alive.

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