August 25, 2010 - Yes, It's a Long List

It's a long list and it's still growing. How can someone so small need so much stuff? Her packing list is longer than my packing list (yes, I'm a list person).

08.25.10 006

Packing continues for our upcoming vacation. The more I pack, the more my excitement grows. What will my little lovely think of an airplane, or even the airport? How will she react when we thunder down the runway and, with a jolt, lift off into the blue? Will she sit quietly on my lap, look out the window, sleep peacefully or kick the seat in front of us? How will she react when we arrive to our destination and she meets her cousins? What will she think of my sister, my grandparents, my aunt and uncles and my cousins?

So many questions and so few days left until they are all answered. I can't wait!

Unknown  – (August 28, 2010 at 8:45 AM)  

It's unbelievable the amount of stuff babies need on a regular basis. Have fun on your upcoming vacation!

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