August 4, 2010 - She Fought the Macaroni...

... and the macaroni won. Or was it the cheese on the macaroni? Anyway, now with this new world of FINGER FOODS (sorry, I'm still excited), we are trying different things to see what our little lovely likes and what gets spit out and thrown. So far: shredded cheese - yummy; green beans - floor; carrots - don't even try to put that on there again; sweet potatoes - not that interesting; deli turkey - food of the gods!; puffs - what is that, cardboard?; wheat bread - take it or leave it; boiled chicken breast - delish!

Most of what we feed Georgia is organic, or at the very least all natural with little processing. My goal is to limit the chemicals that go into her little body, but not be insane about it. If we're out and about and she wants to try the non-organic food on my plate, no problem. The ice cream I'm eating, sure. But when I shop for Georgia, I'm mindful of what I buy.

Oh yeah, and today there was the organic macaroni and cheese. While aiming for her mouth, it attacked her forehead...

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and all around her mouth...

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and then the floor...

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