August 26, 2010 - Crawling Just Isn't Enough Anymore

What is it about a wee little one that makes them constantly strive for the next level? It's not just every day, but every minute, even every second. It's like that gnawing growl of hunger in the pit of your stomach that won't let you stop until you satisfy it, except theirs is a desire to grow, to move on, to find greatness in their currently small, little world. Oh my little tries every moment to do something new and leave behind everything "baby."

It's no longer halting, stumbling crawls. Now she whips down the hall, sometimes so fast she sneaks up on me and completely catches me off guard.

It's no longer just pulling up for her. Now she lets go and tries to stand on her own and pulls hard on whatever she's holding onto, willing herself to go up and over.

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What is it about littles that makes them try so hard to leave childhood in the past? And the somewhat sad thing is they do, I'm already trying to catch glimpses of Georgia's back there in the dust.

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